How We Connect

Caring Connection
Second Wednesday of the month
We are looking for new members to join us in this rewarding ministry. Please contact Judy Kazak at 440-476-6318 if you are interested or would like more information.
Coffee House
Fourth Saturday of the month
Enjoy great entertainment in a Coffee House setting with a variety of performers sharing their music. This is a free event. Join us for desserts and aromatic coffee in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere! Every fourth Saturday of the month September-May at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!
Men's Fellowship
A monthly breakfast meeting at a local restaurant with fellowship on the agenda.
Tables of 8
Several times a year
Tables of Eight is a fellowship group that builds and expands the foundation of the Prince of Peace community one relationship at a time. Groups of 8 or so adults are teamed together for a year. Groups get together for fellowship activities at an agreed upon frequency.
Travel Quest
A fellowship opportunity to gather on a monthly basis for a planned outing which includes theater performances, concerts, athletic events, dining, and other short excursions.
Women In Transition
Women's Re-Entry Network provides a holistic network of mental health, education, employment, family and supportive services in a safe and welcoming environment. It is a place where women can begin the process of rebuilding their lives, reconnecting with family and reclaiming their place as productive members of the community. Questions, contact Jan Filkill 440/871-6673.
Young at Heart
A monthly gathering for lunch at various local restaurants to promote fellowship and fun.
Discovery Group
Twice a month
Discovery is a Bible Study meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10:00 am at the Prince of Peace library. Please join us at our next meeting! Questions contact, Joe Frantz at
The Discovery year begins every autumn. Discovery sessions study scripture in a way which tries to make it relevant to everyday lives as Americans living in today's society as well as discussions that include happenings at Prince of Peace.