Bylaws & Documents

Time and Talent
In the old hymnal, we had this offering prayer:
Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us - our selves, our time and our possessions, signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (LBW page 87)
Our time and talents are gifts given by God that we can use to give back to God what God has first given us.
I invite you to join in filling out the Time and Talent Survey. A booklet describing our outreach and service opportunities can be found here on our Engagement Page. Take time to look through the many ways to serve and get involved. Your gifts, your time and your talents are always welcomed and appreciated.
I encourage you to consider this as a goal - WORSHIP PLUS TWO. I hope you will make every effort to join in worship either in person online every Sunday. I also encourage you to get involved in two other areas of ministry and service. It could be worship leadership (reading, greeting, ushering, choir, assisting minister, altar guild, etc.), education (leading and/or participating), service or fellowship. Find a way to get engaged in the life and ministry of Prince of Peace. My hope is that everyone would participate in two (or more!) areas of ministry and service. Where is God calling you to join in?
The church is not a building - it is a gathering of people who are joined together in the mission of Jesus Christ. Our mission at Prince of Peace is to Grow in Faith, Serve in Love, and Live in Peace. You are invited. All are welcome.
Thank you for joining with me in this mission. Together with God leading the way, we can do great things.
Pastor Charlie
Constitution and Bylaws:
Congregational Documents